Champion – definition: an ardent defender or supporter of a cause or another person
If you are a business owner looking for advice, help, support or just someone with whom you can chat openly and confidentially, you’ve come to the right place.
We business owners have usually learned the hard way that commercial life is seldom stress free. Whether it is demanding customers, unreliable suppliers, non-performing staff, blasé contractors, banks(!), other shareholders, intefering government, annoying technology, devious competitors or something else, there always seems to be some challenge looming. And of course, they always seem to arrive in threes, at 4pm on a Friday afternoon, when you promised not to be late home. The Business Owners Champion can almost certainly help.
How: we have been running businesses ourselves for decades. We’ve also had the chance to work with many others – meaning we have learned from their successes and mistakes too. And our business is helping you de-stress the running of your business.
So if you are a genuine, purse-string holding business owner turning over in excess of £250k with at least 5 employees, we will do our best to provide a no-fee business review meeting. This enables you to get to know us, and vice versa, so we can establish what your real issues are (not always what they seem at first) and how we can help you fix them. Just drop us a line or give us a call and let’s see if we can get you to a more comfortable place.
Unfortunately, we are not a funded charity*, but rest assured we do not charge bankrupting rates either.
For some examples of issues we could help you overcome, see here
* we also find that in practice ‘free’ advice is valued at what it cost, so rarely respected , never mind acted upon